Salary Back To Even

Great news! My company announced today that they are returning us to our full salaries.

In February 2009, everyone in the company received a salary reduction to help us get through the tough economic times – my salary redution was 10%. My company has been slowly increasing our salaries in an effort to get us back to even. This last 2.5% increase represents $1,750/year and returns me to my annual salary of 70,460.

I feel very blessed to have kept my job while others in my company were let go. Hopefully the economy keeps getting stronger.

Wife’s Great New Benefits

My wife started her new job today and it’s going great so far. She’ll be spending most of her time the next couple of months on home study, but is excited to get out in the field.

Check out some of her benefits:

* $0/month out of our pocket for health and vision insurance for both of us
* Complete home office (laptop, printer, etc.)
* Reimbursing for internet and cell phone service
* Company car / gas card

I’m so proud of how she is doing in her career. She keeps upgrading from one great job to another.

Net Worth Milestone – $90,000

We just passed the net worth milestone of $90,000. We hit our last net worth milestone, $80,000, just one month ago.

God willing, it looks like we’ll hit a net worth milestone of $100,000 in July. That’s a big milestone and would mean we’re way ahead of schedule of making our 2010 net worth goal of $105,700 in December.

I will update our net worth meter (on the left side of the screen) at the end of the month.

March 2010 Income Statement

As I stated in our Net Worth Update, March was a crazy month.

My wife was laid off mid month, but we still had a good income month. My wife received one final pay check, her company cashed out her vacation ($733.52), and will be giving two weeks of severance ($1,300+). We also received a $4,111 tax refund ($3,730 fed & $381 state) and sold 20 shares of BofA stock for small $48 gain. My wife received a $110 company reimbursement for internet and phone service, we earned $25 in credit card cash back rewards, and earned $2.30 in interest income.

Our expenses this month were off the chart, primariliy because with paid cash for a 3rd vehicle (4×4). Our expenses totaled $18,391.59, but if you pull out the $12,250 we paid for the 4×4, our expenses were $6,141.59. Still a bit high, but not so outrageous.

With the purchase of our 4×4, and my wife being out of work part of the month, we’ll be playing a little catch up in April.

Offer Letter

My wife just received her offer letter and it’s a good one.

They offered her a $60,000 base, $4,500 more than her last job. Also included in the offer is a bonus structure for up to 25% of her base pay. She also gets a company car and a complete home office.

That is WAY more than I made when I was 26 years old. Come to think of it, with her bonus and company car, it’s more than I make now. Good thing I’m man enough to admit it.

March Net Worth Update (+$14,753.11)

March was the craziest month we have had in quite awhile. Our net worth increased an amazing $14,753.11 from last month, to a total of $88,056.45 (click on spreadsheet below). This is a new record monthly increase for us.

What Worked

My wife’s company laid off the entire sales force this month, but within two days, she secured her 1st interview and ended up getting a great new job that she starts mid April (more details to follow in another post). We had a major influx of cash this month including her $733.52 of cashed out vacation, a $4,111 tax refund ($3,730 fed & $381 state), and a check for two weeks of severance for my wife should be coming in any day. We also sold 20 shares of BofA stock for small $48 gain. We contributed a total of $1,883.01 to our retirement accounts (401k’s and Roth IRA’s) and saw them increase $4,947.42!

What Didn’t Work

We purchased a great used 4×4 for $12,250 cash. This purchase absorbed most of our savings and our influx of cash from this month. I’ll be using the 4×4 as a daily driver until my wife gets her new company car in a couple of months. After that, the 4×4 will be a fun toy for us to enjoy on the weekends. Now we have to get our savings built back up.

Next Month

We have a little catching up to do in April. Purchasing the 4×4 threw off our cash flow, so we’ll need most of April to recover.

Bought a 4×4

Just a quick post to say that we bought another vehicle. This vehicle, a 4×4, can be used as a daily driver if it takes awhile for my wife to get a job, or can be used as a fun weekend “toy”. We got a great deal by paying cash, $12,250 to be exact.

My wife is on her final interview today with a great company. If she gets the job, she will have 5 weeks of home study before receiving her company car. So, the extra vehicle will come in very handy.

Net Worth Milestone – $80,000

We just passed $80,000 net worth milestone! Thanks to our $4,111 tax refund and good performance in our retirement accounts, we currently at a net worth of $81,635.73. We passed the $70,000 net worth milestone in January, so it only took us 2 short months. God willing, we should hit our $90,000 net worth milestone in July.

I will provide further details and update our net worth meter (on the left side of the screen) at the end of the month.

Wife Laid Off

My wife’s company has been struggling and finally decided on Friday to layoff the entire sales force off.

It’s unfortunate, but not a total surprise. She had already survived 2 rounds of layoffs with this company and there were rumors and signs things were coming to a head.

Where does that leave us? Not in too bad of shape, actually.

• She will receive 2 weeks severance
• Her vacation will be cashed out
• She’ll be bonused on any sales until 4/2
• She gets to keep her company car for 2 more weeks

With $475/week of unemployment and reducing some of our expenses, we shouldn’t even have to dip into savings. Speaking of savings, with our tax return, our savings jumped from $4,327.37 to $9,320.43. We’ll likely need to use some of this to buy a used car, but the rest can act as a cushion. Plus, we should be able to continue to add a little bit into savings each month.

My wife is so on the ball, she’s already lined up a phone interview for tomorrow.

2010 Taxes

We paid a total of $2,025 in federal and state taxes last year. This year, we wanted to get help with our taxes because we had to account for our condo short sale. Thanks to a referral from a trusted friend, we met with our new tax accountant today and, boy, was it was worth it.

While we had less mortgage interest to deduct this year, he helped us find other deductions that we didn’t realize we were eligible for. We paid him $275 and he helped us receive a total refund (federal & state) of $4,111!

We should get the $4,111 refund via direct deposit in ~2 weeks. We plan to deposit the money into our savings account to build our emergency fund back up.

Our path to financial independence and retiring early.