January 2014 Income Statement

January was a standard income month, and a large expense (see attached spreadsheet).

Our total income in January was $9,465.41.  In addition to our regular paychecks, my wife received a $600 auto allowance, and a $100 company reimbursement for internet service.  We earned $0.15 in interest income from our online savings account.

In January, we spent a total of $11,537.47.  Not as much as last month, but more than we earnedL.  Some of the larger, non-typical expenses include $ 1,619.98 for new gun, $573.88 auto insurance (2 cars, 6 months), and $685 for term life insurance (for both of us).

February should be a huge income month as my wife should receive a $66,600 (gross) quarterly bonus!