Category Archives: Income Statement

March 2008 Income Statement

It’s scary sometimes how much we can spend in one month (click on spreadsheet below).

Thank God for the extra money we brought in above our standard income. The largest amount of money was brought in by my Wife’s in the form of a $1,292.50 commission check and a $188.54 mileage reimbursement check. We also received a $384.44 property tax refund, $60 from my parents, and $60 from selling a few things. All of this extra money kept us from spending more than we earned in March.

Needless to say, we went over budget in most areas. Some of the larger expenses were $832.46 for household items (including a new home theater system), $585.67 for groceries, $129.01 for pet care (including pet care while our condo was being worked on), and $166.00 for car registration.

We have vowed to spead less in April. My Wife may get good commission check in April and I have a review that may result in a small raise.

February 2008 Income Statement

Wow, we went over budget in almost ever category this month (click on spreadsheet below). Income taxes, vaccines for our dog, food/drinks for a party, gifts, carpet cleaning, replacing our entertainment stand, eating out for our birthdays and Valentine’s Day. You name it we did it.

Thankfully, we had some extra income this month. My wife earned a $59.50 commission, I cashed out $1,239.53 of my company vacation, we earned a $25 HSBC credit card reward, and our neighbor paid us $96 for 6 months of internet.

Next month, in addition to our standard monthly income, my wife may earn an extra ~$1,000 commission from her company. This would help us fund our Roth IRAs. Expensewise, we have a large property tax bill due that will ding our savings pretty good.

January 2008 Income Statement

We did a good job keeping our expenses below our income in January (click on spreadsheet below). If you subtract out our extra $691.00 payment we made to our 2nd mortgage principle, we were more or less within our monthly budget.

I received a 4.5% raise this month and 3 paychecks (1 more than usual). My wife received a $348.98 commission check, but her standard paycheck was slightly reduced because she transitioned from being a 1099 with no taxes taken out of her check, to an employee with taxes automatically deducted. This is good because it saves us the hassle of having to put money aside for income taxes. In other income news, we received a $64.38 Citi credit card cash back reward and $19.00 in interest income on our Emigrant Direct savings account.

Next month is going to be a somewhat typical income month, with my wife and I each receiving two paychecks. However, my wife is expecting a small commission check and I hope to cash out 6 days of vacation time for an extra $1,200 or so.

December 2007 Income Statement

We spent more than we earned in December. I was wrong last month when I said that we should not have any large annual expenses hit in December. We prepaid 16 months of my gym membership for $828. With the holiday and birthdays, we also spent $148.09 on gifts. Thankfully we spread our Christmas gift spending over a couple of months so it didn’t all hit in one month. I also bought a couple of pairs of work pants, shoes, and a shirt on sales for $166.03. We purchased our first term insurance policies and had to prepay 2 months ($78.86 total).

January should be a better month since I receive an extra paycheck (3 total), I plan to cash out a few vacation days, and I should receive my annual pay raise. Hopefully we can keep our expenses next month below our income.

November 2007 Income Statement

At first glace, I was disappointed with how much money we seemed to have spent in November (click on spreadsheet below). It was more than last month and more than we earned. In fact, we had to dip into our savings to cover all of the bills. However, $1,296 went to paying for 12 months of our truck and condo insurance, $1,000 went into savings for my wife’s taxes while she is 1099, and $475 went to paying down our 0% interest credit card balance. If you subtract out this $2,771, we weren’t to far over budget.

In addition to our standard income, this month my wife received an extra paycheck (three total) as well as a $491.22 commission check and $182.87 in mileage reimbursements. We also supplemented our income with a $25 HSBC credit card cash back reward and a $50 Chase credit card cash back reward.

Next month should be a standard income month, 2 paychecks for my wife and 2 paychecks for me. My wife may also be receiving a commission check for a few hundred dollars next month which we will deposit into savings.

October 2007 Income Statement

We definitely spent more money in October (click on spreadsheet below) than last month.

Our biggest expense was a $1,000 business expense that posted to my credit card, but that I was already reimbursed for in June. We also began purchasing Christmas gifts.Incomewise, my wife receive a $761.50 commission check from referring customer to her father’s company and a $752 commission check from old job. In addition to this, we received 123.47 in credit card cash back rewards and a small rebate. Our interest income continues to grow as our savings increases. In October we earned $20.29 in interest income.

Next month my wife receives an extra paycheck (3 total). Off setting this is a $416 condo insurance bill and a $880 truck insurance bill.

September 2007 Income Statement

As I hinted at last month, September was a great income month and a pretty decent month expensewise (click on spreadsheet below).

While my income was pretty boring this month, my wife raked in money from 3 different companies. First, she received a $1,057.94 commission check from her old job (with another $799 commission check from the same company on the way next month). Second, she received a final $1,778.75 check for last 3 weeks with company that just laid her off. And finally, she received a $1,211.54 check from her new company for her first 9 days of work. We were somewhat expecting a ~$700 commission check on a job that my wife referred to her dad’s company, but it will not be sent until next month.

October has the makings of a good month too. My wife is expecting a commission check on a job that she referred to her dad’s company (~$700) and another commission from her old job ($799.09). She may also be receiving a little commission check (<$50) from her new job for some small sales that she had her first month. In terms of expenses, I will be traveling for business for 2 weeks and my wife will be on the road a couple of days as well. With our employers covering all expenses for us when we travel, October could likely be one of our lowest expense months yet.

August 2007 Income Statement

As I mentioned in my July 2007 Income Statement post, I didn’t expected that we would be able to match the relatively low expense levels of July in August. Well, August, with all of its ups and downs, ended up being a great month in terms of our expenses (click spreadsheet below). We only went over budget ~$300, $716.53 of which was for a new mattress. That puts our August expenses $264.69 lower than our July expenses!

In terms of income, August was a mixed bag. I received an extra paycheck this month, but my wife’s 1st paycheck was only for one week. We were able to earn an extra $104.53 thru credit card cash back rewards and $100.00 thru selling our old mattress. And finally, with our increased savings account balance, we earned $12.14 in interest income, our largest amount yet.

September should be a great month incomewise. My wife is expecting a commission check on a job that she referred to her dad’s company (~$700), a final commission check from her old job ($600-$1,000), a final check from the job that laid her off (~$1920), and her first paycheck from her new job(~$1,075). Hopefully, we can continue keeping our expenses down.

July 2007 Income Statement

July was a strong income month with my wife earning an additional $1,674.68 above her normal pay/auto allowance. We were also able to keep our expenses within reason compared to previous months (click spreadsheet below).

We only went over budget $650, and if you subtract out the $630.44 we spent on business clothing for my wife’s new job, we would have hit our budget mark. It’s encouraging to know our budget is realistic and doable. Although, with a couple of large expenses forecasted for August, it’s doubtful that we will be this close to our budget next month.

June 2007 Income Statement

We had a lot of money flowing out in June, going over our budget in almost all categories (click on spreadsheet below). I’m beginning to sound like a broken record when it comes to our budget.

My wife and I have committed to doing a better job of watching expenses in July. In fact, we have already declined a couple of social events to help us get July off to a solid start.

Working on it.