August 2014 Net Worth Update (+12,455.81)

In August, our net worth increased a whopping $12,455.81, to a total of $297,128.17.

What Worked
My wife earned a $13,050.00 gross ($8,009.69 net) quarterly bonus. She is doing amazing in her career and it has been a huge blessing our family. With proceeds from the bonus, we significantly increased our savings account balance. We contribution at total of $1,210.38 to our retirement accounts and saw them increase $4,532.01.

What Didn’t Work
For the next few months, we will be making steady, but slow progress paying down our 0% credit card (current balance $3,474.85). Our taxable brokerage account continues to wallowing.

Next Month
I will be leaving my company on September 19th, hoping to find a new job that provides a better work/life balance. In the meantime, things will be a little tighter as we live on my wife’s income. Before departing my company, we will be paying off the remainder of the 401(k) loan (~$4,800) that we took out for our home down payment.