August 2012 Net Worth Update (+11,797.62)

In August, our net worth skyrocketed $11,797.62 from last month, to a total of $183,017.41 (click on spreadsheet below).

What Worked

The largest impact this month, and likely this year was a huge quarterly bonus that my wife earned. She bonus this quarter was $13,750 gross ($9,839.22 net). Obviously, this has a major impact on our finances. We paid off our 0% credit card balance ($5,236.35), tithed 10% ($1,375), and got a few things done around the house. We contributed a total of $2,820.04 to our retirement accounts, and saw them increase $5,143.40 to $60,813.08 total. All of this goodness resulted in us passing the net worth milestone of $180,000 in August.

What Didn’t Work
N/A, we were blessed with an amazing month.

Next Month
September should be a standard month in terms of our net worth increase. However, it’s a milestone for our family as our son turns 1 year old!