March 2011 Income Statement

As expected, March was a “spendy” month and a relatively standard income (click on spreadsheet below).

In addition to our paychecks, my wife received two $75 company reimbursements (Feb & March) and we earned $125 in credit card rewards We also earned $15.47 in interest income from our savings.

Our expenses totaled a whopping $11,033.55! Some of the larger items were: $2,954.60 for paying off the student loan, $346 registration for cars, $205.40 flight to see family, $119.42 hotel, $523 pet care (vet), and a lot on “nesting” for our baby.

April should be a very good income month. In addition to my wife starting her new job, she also receives gets paid for her remaining vacation time (5 days). Plus, we will receive a combined Federal and State refund of $2,325. No large expenses are forecast for April.