April 2011 Net Worth Update (+$4,511.92)

We passed our 2011 net worth goal of $138,100 in April! That gives us 8 months to made headway on our 2012 net worth goal of $173,200. Our net worth increased $4,511.92 from last month, to a total of $138,785.04 (click on spreadsheet below).

What Worked
Passing our 2011 net worth goal so early in the year is a major blessing. Our $2,325 tax refund ($2,155 Federal & $170 State) helped put us over the top. We contributed $1,063.00 to our retirement accounts and saw them increase $2,787.01 to $94,489.74. We also continue to improve our savings account balance.

What Didn’t Work
All accounts moved the right direction this month 🙂

Next Month
Progress towards our 2012 net worth goal of $173,200 begins now. May will be my wife’s first full month of pay in her new position, at a much higher income. We’re going to try to bank as much of the extra income as possible before the baby arrives.