Beat The HEAT

The heat lately has been oppressive. Since our condo is so close to the ocean, it does not have central air conditioning. During this recent heat wave, my wife and I have found it difficult to sleep at night. To make matters worse, our condo is only open on one side, so there is no opportunity for cross ventilation. The best we can do it put a fan in front of an open window.

We’ve lived in our condo for ~2 years and have finally decided to throw in the towel and purchase a Soleus Air 9000 BTU Evaporative Portable Air Conditioner. A few of our neighbors have similar units and they do a great job cooling our little condos for ~$50/month. My wife found this unit online for $295.20, it regularly sells for $369.00. Since it’s portable, we can take it with us when we move to another place at a later date.

It would be great to be able to put this money into our investments, but it sure is going to be nice to be comfortable at the push of a button.