Saved Money On Property Taxes

Our original property tax bill was for two payments of $1842.84 ($3,685.68 total). We just received our revised bill for two payments of $1,458.40 ($2,916.80 total) after having our property value reassessed. That means we saved $767.20 on our property taxes this year.

We mailed a $1,458.40 check for the second installment. Since we paid our first installment for the original amount ($1,812.84) back in December, they will be issuing us a refund for $354.44 within 60-90 days. Good stuff!

I Can’t Afford A Stay At Home Wife

Why? Because my wife is way too profitable.

She just received a $1,292.50 commission check from her company. That’s some serious extra cash. Instead of going out and buying a home theater system (because we already did that last week), we’re going to be more responsible with the money. Our plan is to tithe a portion of the commission, put a portion into savings for taxes, and the rest will go towards funding our Roth IRAs.

If my wife keeps this up, maybe I can be a stay at home husband.

Trying to Rationalize Splurging

Our condo is getting some major work done, paid for by the HOA, but we’ve lost use of our family room for a couple of weeks.

The splurging all began when, in the process of moving our furniture out of the family room, we broke our cheap IKEA entertainment stand. We found a nice, smaller replacement stand for only $99. Not bad, but we figured our 15-year old speaker towers and clunky 4-piece stereo/DVD system was going to look poor on the new stand, espcially hooked up to our 1-year old plasma (last years splurge). So, we bought a 5-channel Panasonic Home Theater System at Costco for $399. It’s sweet, and here’s how we rationalized the purchase:

Nice sounding and looking
Requires less than 1/2 of the space as our old system
iPod hook up so we can have all of our music available at the touch of a button
$60 of the cost was covered by selling our old stereo system

Our old system still worked

We probably could have got away with using our old system a couple of more years but what the heck, we treated ourselves. We can’t wait to get our family room back so we can watch a movie using our new home theater system. It will also be nice to have more space in our little condo.

Citibank Wants To Give Me Money?

I used to have a ton of credit card debit (click this link to read the details). Thankfully, those days are long behind me. While I never got behind in any of my credit card payments, keeping track of the statements/payments for 6-7 credit cards was tough.

Well, it turns out that back in 2004, I overpaid my Citibank credit card when closing the account. I guess I moved addresses immediately after closing the account, because Citibank lost contact with me. Last week, I received a letter from Citibank stating that they have been trying to track me down to give me a $92.80 refund check for my overpayment in 2004. Wow, nice surprise.

Since I’ve moved 4 times since the address that had in their system, they required that I get a form notarized proving who I am. The notary cost me $10.00, but I should get the $92.80 check in about 4 weeks.

Thank you Citibank.

Don’t Be A Baby

This blog is officially 1 year old! Just a baby compared to most blogs.

I began 1MansMoney 12 months ago with a post about our negative net worth. Since then, we have turned things around and now have a positive net worth. We also have one year under our belt towards achieving our goal of financial independence and retiring early.

I give credit for our financial success to God because this is all His anyways, to my wife because she’s my inspiration, and to our families for their guidance. I also have to give credit to this blog for helping us keep better track of where we were at and where we are going.

For those of you that want to get out of debt and plan for retirement, I encourage you to consider starting a blog. Any goal worth achieving requires a plan and follow thru. I find that this blog is a terrific tool. I liken it to a financial diary that, since others read it, helps provide accountability and feedback.

I can’t wait until a year from now when 1MansMoney is in its terrible 2’s.

February 2008 Income Statement

Wow, we went over budget in almost ever category this month (click on spreadsheet below). Income taxes, vaccines for our dog, food/drinks for a party, gifts, carpet cleaning, replacing our entertainment stand, eating out for our birthdays and Valentine’s Day. You name it we did it.

Thankfully, we had some extra income this month. My wife earned a $59.50 commission, I cashed out $1,239.53 of my company vacation, we earned a $25 HSBC credit card reward, and our neighbor paid us $96 for 6 months of internet.

Next month, in addition to our standard monthly income, my wife may earn an extra ~$1,000 commission from her company. This would help us fund our Roth IRAs. Expensewise, we have a large property tax bill due that will ding our savings pretty good.

February 2008 Net Worth Update (+$3,014.03)

February was a very good net worth increase month. Our net worth increased $3,014.03 from January to $27,693.81 (click on spreadsheet below). We are currently at 57.94% of our 2008 net worth goal of $47,800.

What worked this month?
Our retirement accounts (401k and Roth IRAs) went up by a total of $1,579.60! Thanks in part to our $400 contribution to our Roth IRA’s. We also continued our 2nd mortgage accelerated payment plan by cashing out 6 days of my company vacation time for $1,239.53 and paying that directly to our 2nd mortgage principle.

What did not work this month?
We had to dip into our savings account to pay our Federal and State income taxes. We had planned for this so, in reality, I’m not sure it should fall into the category “what didn’t work”.

What’s coming next month?
My wife has been doing great at her new job and may get a $1,000 commission next month. We hope to use this money to fund our Roth IRAs a bit more. We also have our property taxes due next month. Thankfully, our property taxes will be less than expected since we got our property value reassessed.

Why Pay Down The 2nd?

We recently had a friend ask us why we are paying down our condos 2nd mortgage at an accelerated rate. I think it makes sense for a few good reasons:

1. It is our highest interest rate debt at 8.55%.
2. Once we pay it off we can:

a. Stay in our condo & have an additional $411.33/month to put towards saving for a house.
b. Buy a house and pretty much break even on renting out our condo.
c. Sell our condo, if necessary, and hopefully not be upside down.
3. We don’t have kids yet and can afford to pay extra to our mortgage.

Business Trip Miles

I just returned from a business trip to the East Coast, earning me another 9,941 Delta SkyMiles. Since I am Gold Medallion level, Delta doubles my miles each flight, making these longer trips a nice way to gain SkyMiles.

My total Delta SkyMiles balance is now 72,139 – just about time to start thinking about when we are going to use these for a vacation.

Cashing In On Vacation Time

To help us continue our accelerated 2nd mortgage payments progress, I cashed out 6 days of my company vacation time for $1,239.53.

Since I have been with my company seven years, I receive 19 paid days off a year. This is more time that I really need. Being able to cash out some of my vacation time is a nice perk.

My 4.5% raise last month brought my salary to $69,030/annually. By cashing in the 6 days of vacation I essentially gave myself an additional ~1.8% raise for the year, bringing my income to $70,269.53 this year.

Our path to financial independence and retiring early.