Category Archives: Income Statement

January 2018 Income Statement

January was a good income month but also a high expense month (see spreadsheet screenshot).

Our total income in January was $14,784.09.  In addition to our regular paychecks, I received a monthly and quarterly bonus of $4840.83 gross ($2693.72 net). My wife received a $1,350.20 auto allowance / mileage reimbursement and I received a $450 auto allowance.  We earned $4.69 in interest income from our savings accounts.

This month, our expenses totaled $14,388.27, just barely less than our total income this month.  Big ticket items include $2,165 for nanny/babysitting, $1,181.57 in household items, and $1,502.28.

Next month should be another good income month since we will receive a good tax refund.

December 2017 Income Statement

December was a terrific income month but also a high expense month (see spreadsheet screenshot).

Our total income in December was $18,756.57.  In addition to our regular paychecks, my wife received a quarterly bonus of 8,077.44 gross ($4,519.27 net). I received a monthly bonus of $2,222.41 gross ($1,254.10 net), and I received a 3rd “extra” paycheck. My wife received a $915.54 auto allowance / mileage reimbursement and I received a $450 auto allowance.  We earned $4.28 in interest income from our savings accounts.

This month, our expenses totaled $13,135.10, almost the same amount that we spent last month (and that is not good).  Big ticket items include $805 in doctor/dental bills, $562 in entertainment, and $640 in gifts.

Next month should be another good income month since I will receive a good quarterly bonus.

dec 2017 income statement

November 2017 Income Statement

November was a good income month but also a high expense month (see spreadsheet screenshot).

Our total income in November was $13,214.91.  In addition to our regular paychecks, I received a monthly and bonus of $1,708.34 gross ($964.01 net) and a $450 monthly auto allowance.  My wife received a $1,580.66 auto allowance / mileage reimbursement and a $44.99 internet reimbursement.  We earned $4.03 in interest income from our savings accounts.

This month, our expenses totaled $13,616.32.  Big ticket items include $509 in clothing, $466 in doctor and dental visits, and $342 in personal care.

Next month should be an awesome income month.  I will receive a 3rd “extra” paycheck, a good monthly bonus and my wife will receive her quarterly bonus.

Nov 2017 income statement

October 2017 Income Statement

October was a very strong income month but also a high expense month (see spreadsheet screenshot).

Our total income in October was $14,380.05.  In addition to our regular paychecks, I received a monthly and quarterly bonus of $3,958.33 gross ($2.233.69 net) and a $450 monthly auto allowance.  My wife my wife received a $1,475.81 auto allowance / mileage reimbursement and a $44.99 internet reimbursement.  We earned $4.34 in interest income from our savings accounts.

This month, our expenses totaled $12,561.13.  Big ticket items include $2099 in boat items (anchor, life vests, etc), $1,825 in household items, and $454 in clothing.

Next month should return to a regular income and expense month.

oct 2017 income statement

September 2017 Income Statement

September was our 2nd best income month ever (1st best was Feb 2014 $37,327.14).  Our expense were large this month (see spreadsheet screenshot) but pretty reasonable compared to our income.

Our total income in September was $35,641.77.  In addition to our regular paychecks, I received a monthly bonus of $1,250 gross ($703.37 net) and a $450 monthly auto allowance.  My wife my wife received a $37,998.00 gross ($22,833.32 net) quarterly bonus, a $1,337.07 auto allowance / mileage reimbursement and a $44.99 internet reimbursement.  We earned $1.80 in interest income from our savings accounts.

This month, our expenses totalled of $18,217.04.  Big ticket items include $750 in beauty products, $4000 in tithes, and $900 in concert tickets.

Next month should return to a regular income and expense month.

sept 2017 income statement

August 2017 Income Statement

August was another good income month but our expense were high this month (see spreadsheet screenshot).

Our total income in August was $12,053.09.  In addition to our regular paychecks, I received a monthly bonus of $1,416.67 gross ($799.43 net), a $450 monthly auto allowance, and $13.97 reimbursement from my company.  My wife received $570.49 in auto allowance and mileage reimbursement, $44.99 in internet reimbursement her company.  We earned $2.99 in interest income from our savings accounts.

This month, our expenses were exceeded our income.  We spent a total of $12,411.21 in August.  Big ticket items include $1,260 in household items, $287 in auto registration and $798.76 in clothing.

Next month should be a HUGE income month.  My wife’s old company should be paying her a $38K bonus for the last quarter that she worked for them.

 aug 2017 income statement

July 2017 Income Statement

July was a really good income month but a crazy expense month (see spreadsheet screenshot).

Our total income in July was $13,450.39.  In addition to our two regular paychecks, I received a bonus (monthly and quarterly combined) of $4,482.97 gross ($2,56063 net).  We also got a $450 monthly auto allowance from my company, $66.95 mileage reimbursement and $44.99 in internet reimbursement from my wife’s company.  We earned $2.31 in interest income from our savings account.

This month, our expenses were exceeded our income (thank God last month was an awesome income month).   We spent a total of $16,394.01 in July.  Big ticket items include $2,000 extra in mortgage payments, $1,400 in tithe, and $1,776.81 in household items.

Next month should be a good income month.  In addition to our regular paychecks, I should will receive around $1,600 gross in monthly bonuses.

July 2018 income statement

June 2017 Income Statement

June was a great income month and a relatively low expense month (see spreadsheet screenshot).

Our total income in May was $22,808.39, our 5th highest income month since I began tracking in March 2007.  In addition to our two regular paychecks, my wife and I received a third “extra” paycheck, and my wife received a paycheck for one week at her new job.  My wife received a $12,500 gross ($8,307.18 net) signing bonus for her new company and I received a monthly bonus of $1,541.67 gross ($880.51 net).  With my wife departure this month from her old company, they cashed out her vacation to the tune of $2,645.34 gross ($1,497.55 net).  We also got a $450 monthly auto allowance from my company, $46.99 in internet reimbursement from my wife’s company, and $100 in rebates for a new pool pump.  We earned $3.95 in interest income from our savings account.

This month, our expenses were dramatically lower than our income.  We spent a total of $10,272.53 in June.  Big ticket items include $570 in gym membership and gear, $604 in eating out, and $502 in clothing.

Next month will be another great income month.  It will be my wife’s first full month at her new job.  In addition to her higher salary, she will receive a $2,500/month guaranteed bonus the first two months.  In July, I will receive around $2,000 gross in monthly bonuses and another $2,500 for my quarterly bonus.

June 2017 income statement

May 2017 Income Statement

May was a good income month and a somewhat expense month (see spreadsheet screenshot).

Our total income in May was $11,468.95.  In addition to our two regular paychecks, I received a monthly bonus of $2,500 gross ($1,496.25 net). We also got a $450 monthly auto allowance from my company and $49.99 in internet reimbursement from my wife’s company.  We earned $4.69 in interest income from our savings account.

This month, our expenses were high.  We spent a total of $13,123.47 in May.  Ouch!  Big ticket items include $1,675 for a pool pump, $764 for two mini vacations, and $702 in eating out.

Next month will be my fourth month at my new company and my first month without my guaranteed bonus.  That being said, I had a good May and should be earning ~$1,700 gross for my monthly bonus.

May 2017 Income Statement


April 2017 Income Statement

April was a good income month and a somewhat high expense month (see spreadsheet screenshot).

Our total income in April was $11,622.20.  In addition to our two regular paychecks, I received a monthly bonus of $2,500 gross ($1,496.25 net). We also got a $450 monthly auto allowance from my company and $55.99 in internet reimbursement from my wife’s company.  We earned $2.83 in interest income from our savings account.

This month, our expenses were a bit higher than budgeted, but not too bad.  We spent a total of $10,325.58 in April.  Big ticket items include $217 in vacation, $313 in entertainment (concerts), and $484 in pool maintenance.

Next month will be my last month receiving my guaranteed bonus ($2,500 gross monthly bonus) but other than that, it should be a typical expense and income month.


April 2017 income statement