Category Archives: Income Statement

November 2019 Income Statement

In November, we were blessed with a strong income month and a reasonable expense month (see spreadsheet screenshot).

Our total income in November was $14,794.99.  In addition to our regular paychecks, I received a third “extra” paycheck and a monthly bonus of $1,950 gross ($1,084.39 net).  My wife also received $651.21 in auto allowance / mileage reimbursements and $46.99 in internet reimbursements.  We earned $7.96 in interest income from our savings accounts.

This month, our expenses totaled $12,822.75.  It was nice that our expenses were at a reasonable level again.  Big ticket items include $608 in clothing, $340 in eyebrow microblading, and $103 in gifts.

Next month, our expenses will probably be higher due to Christmas and travel but my wife should receive a $1,000 bonus and we plan to sell some of her company stock for ~$7,000.

October 2019 Income Statement

In October, we were blessed with a great income month and a reasonable expense month (see spreadsheet screenshot).

Our total income in October was $15,753.12.  In addition to our regular paychecks, I received a monthly and quarterly bonus of $5,100 gross ($2,836.11 net).  My wife also received $1,451.28 in auto allowance / mileage reimbursements and $46.99 in internet reimbursements.  We earned $8.06 in interest income from our savings accounts.

This month, our expenses totaled $13,072.92.  It was nice to get our expenses back down to a somewhat more reasonable level.  Big ticket items include $702 in boat insurance, $206 in doctor visits/medicine, and $239 in entertainment.

Next month, our expenses will probably be higher due to Christmas but my wife should receive a $1,000 bonus.

September 2019 Income Statement

In September, we were blessed with an incredible income month and a higher than expected expense month (see spreadsheet screenshot).

Our total income in September was $23,057.55.  In addition to our regular paychecks, I received a monthly bonus of $1,950 gross ($1,084.39 net) and my wife received a quarterly bonus $15,000 gross ($9,664.54 net). My wife also received $848.14 in auto allowance / mileage reimbursements and $46.99 in internet reimbursements.  We earned $2.81 in interest income from our savings accounts.

This month, our expenses totaled $16,131.03.  Honestly, we thought we did better and were surprised to see such a large figure.  Big ticket items include $1,107 in doctor bills and prescriptions,$575 in car registration, and $1,800 in tithes.

Next month, we will probably have a more standard income and expense month. 

August 2019 Income Statement

In August, we were blessed with a good income month and a low expense compared to what we usually average (see spreadsheet screenshot).

Our total income in August was $12,751.80. In addition to our regular paychecks, I received a monthly bonus of $1,950 gross ($1,084.40 net) and my received $549.55 in auto allowance / mileage reimbursements and $44.99 in internet reimbursements. We earned $0.01 in interest income from our savings accounts.

This month, our expenses totaled $12,465.59. It’s such a blessing to have spent so much less two months in a row! Big ticket items include $834 in boat property tax and $951 in household items.

Next month, my wife should receive a large quarterly bonus that we hope to put into savings.

July 2019 Income Statement

July was a good income month and a very low expense (see spreadsheet screenshot).

Our total income in July was $15,757.70.  In addition to our regular paychecks, I received a monthly bonus of $3333.33 gross ($1,853.35 net) and my wife received a discretionary bonus of $500 gross ($331.12 net).  My wife received $1,763.04 in auto allowance / mileage reimbursements and $44.99 in internet reimbursements.  We earned $0.01 in interest income from our savings accounts.

This month, our expenses totaled $12,494.20.  A much more reasonable amount compared to the last couple of months!  Big ticket items include $252.45 in entertainment, $400 in house maintenance and $305 in eye doctor visits/contacts.

Next month, we hope to keep our expenses down, especially since it will be a lower income month.

June 2019 Income Statement

June was a good income month, however, our expenses were almost as bad as last month (see spreadsheet screenshot).

Our total income in June was $19,165.79.  In addition to our regular paychecks, I received a monthly bonus of $1,458.33 gross ($810.96 net) and my wife received a quarterly bonus of $10,750 gross ($5,966.93 Net).  My wife received $1,127.98 in auto allowance / mileage reimbursements and $44.99 in internet reimbursements.  We earned $0.76 in interest income from our savings accounts.

This month, our expenses totaled $19,268.10.  Not good!  Big ticket items include $1,440 purse, $1,786 home insurance for year, and $904 in doctor visits and prescriptions.

Next month we hope to get our spending back in line.  It should be a good income month because I receive my quarterly bonus.

May 2019 Income Statement

May was a good income month however our expenses were insane (see spreadsheet screenshot).

Our total income in May was $14,645.28.  In addition to our regular paychecks, I received a third “extra” paycheck and a monthly bonus of $1,666.66 gross ($926.83 net).  My wife received $947 in auto allowance / mileage reimbursements, $644.99 in internet reimbursements and $76.80 in her side hustle.  We earned $7 in interest income from our savings accounts.

This month, our expenses totaled $24,152.17.  Big ticket items include $3,850 in home improvements, $5,126 in household items, $1,594 in doctor boat repair.

Next month should be a large income month because my wife earned a $10K bonus (gross)!

April 2019 Income Statement

April was a good income month however our expenses were nearly identical to our income (see spreadsheet screenshot).

Our total income in April was $13,899.59.  In addition to our regular paychecks, I received a monthly bonus of $3,560.58 gross ($1,980.04 net) and my wife received a discretionary bonus of $1,250 gross ($757.96 net).  My wife also received a $531.31 auto allowance / mileage reimbursements and $44.99 in internet reimbursements.  We earned $18.49 in interest income from our savings accounts.

This month, our expenses totaled $13,895.75.  Big ticket items include $1,681 in household items, $736 in doctor visits/prescriptions and $344 in personal care.

Next month should be a large expense month because we have concrete work in our backyard to the tune of $4K and a boat repair that could cost ~$2K.

March 2019 Income Statement

March was an incredible income month and our expense were reasonable considering we enjoyed a long overseas vacation (see spreadsheet screenshot).

Our total income in March was $24,745.31.  In addition to our regular paychecks, I received a monthly bonus of $1,750 gross ($973.18 net) and a $450 auto allowance.  My wife also received a quarterly bonus of $19,431.32 gross ($10,829.36 net), $1,540.87 auto allowance / mileage reimbursements and $44.99 in internet reimbursements.  We received a $205 insurance refund and earned $12.49 in interest income from our savings accounts.

This month, our expenses totaled $16,493.20.  Big ticket items include $2,100 extra mortgage payments, $1,327 in vacation (not including food), and $2,300 in tithe.

Next month, I should receive decent quarterly bonus and we don’t have any large expenses planned.

January 2018 Income Statement

January was a better income month than expected but our expense exceeded our income (see spreadsheet screenshot).

Our total income in January was $14.905.77.  In addition to our regular paychecks, I received a monthly/quarterly combined bonus of $3,458.33 gross ($2,579.37 net) and a $450 auto allowance.  My wife also received a bonus of $2,804.69 gross ($1,579.75 net), a $681.67 auto allowance / mileage reimbursement, and $44.99 in reimbursements.  We earned $12.32 in interest income from our savings accounts.

This month, our expenses totaled $15,874.39.  Lower than last month but too high for our income this month. Big ticket items include $685 in annual life insurance, $547 in medical/dental visits, and $442.07 in clothing/accessories.

Next month we may have a big bill for some water damage in our ceiling ☹