December was an outstanding income month and a lower than usual expense month (see spreadsheet screenshot).
Our total income in December was very good at $23,684.28. In addition to our regular paychecks, I received a monthly bonus of monthly bonus $1,332.08 gross ($778.82 net) and a $450 auto allowance. My wife also received $10,193 gross ($6,482.51 net) quarterly bonus, $3,150 special company bonus (on a credit card), a $641.50 auto allowance / mileage reimbursement, and $44.99 in reimbursements. We also received an unexpected $843.71 California state tax refund. Very nice surprise! We earned $8.63 in interest income from our savings accounts.
This month, our expenses totaled $17,963.81. Big ticket items include $1,922 in furniture, $1,945 in giving (tithe and gifts), and $293.17 in vacation.
Next month might be a bit of a tight income month as neither my wife or I expect to receive much in the way of bonuses. That being said, 2018 ended on a high note income-wise!