September 2012 Net Worth Update (+5,243.86)

In September, our net worth increased $5,243.86 from last month, to a total of $188,261.27(click on spreadsheet below).  This puts us at 108.70% of our 2012 net worth goal of $173,200, which means we’re starting to make pretty good headway towards our 2013 net worth goal of $211,000.
What Worked
We contributed a total of $1,445.04 to our retirement accounts, and saw them increase $3,449.87 to $64,262.92 total.  We contributed $275 to our son’s 529 Plan thanks to birthday gifts from family.
What Didn’t Work
Our excessive spending continues to keep us from putting more money away.  As a result, our credit card bill each month has been much higher than usual.  We pay the card in full each month in order to avoid interest charges, but had to pull some money out of savings last month to make it happen.
Next Month
We hope to get caught up a little in October.  I received a third “extra” check that will help cover our large credit card bill without pulling much money out of savings.