February 2011 Net Worth Update (+$10,191.88)

We were blessed with our 2nd largest net worth increase month ever. Our net worth increased $10,191.88 from last month, to a total of $130,665.13 (click on spreadsheet below). Our largest net worth increase of $14,753.11 was in March 2010. But more importantly, my wife is pregnant! We are extremely excited and will be “nesting” from now until the baby is due in September.

What Worked
In addition to the great news that my wife is pregnant, we also passed the net worth milestone $130,000 in February. This is largely thanks to my wife’s nice Q4 2010 bonus of $6,041.28 gross ($3,499.51 net). We contributed $813.00 to our retirement accounts and saw them increase $4,605.31 to $89,682.66. We also increased our savings account balance to $18,915.21.

What Didn’t Work
February was a perfect month.

Next Month
I don’t expect March to be able to compete with a month like we just had. The biggest unknown is our taxes. Last year we received a combines Federal and State refund of $4,111, but we have change a few things to reduce or possibly eliminate our refund. We will see…