July 2008 Income Statement

We earned a total of $13,763.08 in July, by far our largest income month yet (click on spreadsheet below). Over 30% of this came from a huge $4,427.74 commission my wife received from her old company. The balance was a combination of my wife began receiving paychecks from her new better paying job, my third “extra” paycheck, $292.17 from my wife’s company in reimbursements, and $19.81 in interest income.

In addition to this great income month, we were able to keep our expenses pretty well inline. I cost us a $250 because I hurt my ear and have to have surgery. Our phone bill also jumped up because we added a phone for my wife with many minutes because she needs it for work. Thankfully, her company reimburses her $60/month for a cell phone, so most of the added costs are covered. Our gas & electric bill jumped over 40% because we have been using our air conditioning quite a bit (my fault). I’m going to be more careful with running it only when needed.

In August, my wife will receive a third “extra” check and possibly even another small commission check from her old company. My wife will also be out of town for a 2-1/2 week training program. While she is gone, I get to drive her company car and save gas money.