June 2008 Net Worth Update (-$2,221.12)

June ended up being a worse net worth month for us than I expected. We were down $2,221.12 from last month, to a total net worth of $33,464.34 (click on spreadsheet below).

As I mentioned in my previous post, the down month was due to a combination of planned annual expenses (such as our vacation), some overspending (such as the increase in eating out), and depressed market conditions (such as the reduction in our retirement accounts).

I’m not going to dwell on all of the details that made June a bad month for our net worth. We are simply going to move on and focus on turning things around in July.

One thought on “June 2008 Net Worth Update (-$2,221.12)”

  1. Yeah man, that’s all you can do really – just move on to the next month.

    Unfort. there’s no way we can pump up that market ourselves 😉 I’m in the process of doing my net worth now, and i’ll prob. be in the same boat!

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