Category Archives: Net Worth

October Net Worth Update (+$675.72)

Our net worth in October increased $675.72 from last month, to a total of $54,211.91(click on spreadsheet below).

What Worked

I received another 1% increase to my salary (3rd time in 3 months). We paid an extra $1,150 to our auto loan, bringing the balance down to $2,907.26.

What Didn’t Work

We pulled $1,393.43 out of savings to pay our credit card bill for the balance of our Hawaii vacation in September. This was planned so it actually should fall under the “What Worked” category. We contributed a total of $1,497.03 to our retirement accounts (401k & Roth IRAs), but only them increase to a total of $367.45.

Next Month

God willing, November should be another net worth increase month. We plan to continue our accelerated payments on the auto loan and invest another $1,500 in our retirement accounts. I will have a large gym membership bill due next month, a portion of which may come out of our savings.

September Net Worth Update (+$3,411.14)

We are on a roll; 4 straight months of strong net worth increases. Our net worth in

September increased $3,411.14 from last month (link), to a total of $53,536.19 (click on spreadsheet below).

What Worked

September was a great month. We were blessed with another 1% increase to my salary (it was also increased 1% last month). We paid and extra $1,900 to my auto loan. We contributed a total of $1,592.71 to our retirement accounts (401k & Roth IRAs) and saw our retirement accounts increase to a total of $3,220! We sold 86 shares of our 106 shares of Bank of America stock for a 20% gain. We applied the proceeds to our auto loan.

What Didn’t Work

We took a vacation to Hawaii in September that cost $1,787.69. This should really fall under the “What Worked” category because we had a great vacation for a very reasonable price. Our flights were free thanks to frequent flyer miles and my wife found a great deal on our hotel and rental car. This was a planned expense, but we’ve pulled money out of savings to cover some of the costs and will pull more money out of savings when the credit card bill is due next month.

Next Month

October should be a good month. I will be traveling for 2 weeks of the month, so our expenses will likely be lower than usual. We also plan to make another large extra payment to my auto loan.

August Net Worth Update (+$5,473.52)

We’ve been blessed to string together 3 strong net worth increase months in a row. Our net worth in August increased $5,473.52 from last month, to a total of $50,125.05 (click on spreadsheet below). That means we’ve passed the $50,000 net worth milestone!

What Worked

August was full of nice surprises. We received my wife’s $896 ($480.84 net) quarterly bonus a month earlier than we expected, my pay was increased 1%, and we decided spontaneously to pay $6,250 extra to my auto loan. We contributed a total of $1,181.48 to our retirement accounts (401k & Roth IRAs) and saw our retirement accounts increase to a total of $3,814.65! We increased my wife’s 401(k) contribution from 5% to 15%, starting with her 2nd paycheck in August. That’s makes her new total 401(k) contribution $346.88 a check or $8,325.12 a year.

What Didn’t Work

August was a great month. Thank God.

Next Month

September looks like it will be good month. I want to take a moment to say that if you haven’t seen the movie “Pursuit of Happyness“, it’s a must see. I just caught it on TV for the 2nd time. It’s the true story of a single dad fighting for a stockbroker position at Dean Witter, while facing challenges such as a period of homelessness and trouble with the IRS.

July Net Worth Update (+$5,033.72)

I know I’m getting lazy with posting, but at least I’m still posting our net worth data.

July was another strong month. Our net worth increased $5,033.72 from last month, to a total of $44,651.53 (click on spreadsheet below).

What Worked
July was a nice month. I receive a third “extra” paycheck, we deposited $1,000 into our savings account, and we plowed money into our retirement accounts (401k, Roth IRAs, & Traditional IRA). We contributed a total of $1,743.52 to our retirement accounts and saw them increase to a total of $3,835.21. We also increased my 401(k) contribution from 5% to 8%.

What Didn’t Work
Nothing to enter for July; we are very blessed.

Next Month
August should be a good month. There may be a couple of large expenses that limit what we can save, but we’ll see.

June Net Worth Update (+$6,366.15)

After a crazy May in which our net worth dropped $12,703.04. June turned out to be a great turnaround month. Our net worth increased $6,366.15 from last month, to a total of $39,617.81 (click on spreadsheet below).

What Worked
We piled $1,675.19 into our retirement accounts (401k, Roth IRAs, & Traditional IRA) and saw them increase to a total of $2,110.87. We also deposited $3,815.08 into our savings account, $1,795.08 of which is from our 1st mortgage that we are not clear if we do or don’t owe.

What Didn’t Work
I have nothing to enter here, thank God.

Next Month
July should be another strong month. I receive a third “extra” paycheck next month and my wife may be receiving her first quarterly bonus from her new company. My 3% contribution increase to my 401(k) will also kick in next month, bringing my total contribution to 8%.

May Net Worth Update (-$12,703.04)

May was the craziest month we’ve had in quite awhile. We ended up short selling our condo and moving into a rental unit. The rental unit is twice the size of our old place and will save us $1,000/month. Because of this, our net worth dropped $12,703.04 from last month to $33,251.66 (click on spreadsheet below).

Since the short sale is better for us in the long term, but not great in the short term, I’m skipping my standard “what worked” and “what didn’t work” in this net worth post. Here are the details for May, good or bad:

The costs involved with selling our condo and getting a new place totally decimated our savings account. Here’s a quick rundown:

  • $5,000 cash to our 2nd mortgage as part of the short sale deal
  • $2,050 for rental deposit
  • $2,015 prorated rent for new place
  • $260 for movers

On top of all of that, we spent:

  • $980.46 for new bedroom set
  • $204.79 Wife’s medical bill
  • $270 for dog’s annual shots & teeth cleaning

With all of the cash outlay, our cash and savings dropped to $4,122.93. We should be able to start building our cash back up with $1,000 we are saving every month renting. We contributed a total of $1,025.19 to our retirement accounts, and saw them increase $2,945.13. Our taxable accounts also increased $198.76.

I’m not sure what to expect for next month yet. We’ll still be dealing with some of the transition costs from owner a condo to renting. God willing, we should be able to start filling our savings account back up.

April 2009 Net Worth Update (+$3,318.51)

We had another really good increase to our new worth this month. It increased $3,318.51 from last month to $45,954.70 (click on spreadsheet below).

What worked:

We invested a total of $975.19 in our retirement accounts (401k, Roth IRAs & Traditional IRA) and saw them increase a total of $2,926.45 over last month. Very nice. My wife’s began contributing 5% to her company 401(k) this month.

What did not work:

We are in the process of trying to short sell our house (we began this when my wife lost her job). Our banks are considering an offer now, so our 1st mortgage balance did not go down even though we made our payment this month. We also weren’t able to put any money into savings and actually spent ~$80 from it to cover part of my $1,100 gym membership. We’re way off track to meet our 2009 net worth goal of $75,600.

Next month:

May has the potential to be another good month. I’m taking a trip to go see my family, but other than that, the only non-standard expense we have a $204.79 medical bill for my wife.

March 2009 Net Worth Update (+$3,253.07)

We had a good increase to our new worth in March. In increased $3,253.07 from last month to $42,636.19 (click on spreadsheet below).

What worked:

We contributed $943.94 to our retirement accounts (401k and Roth IRAs) and saw them increase a total of $3,185.34 over last month. Pretty amazing! We rolled my wife’s old 401(k) to a traditional IRA this month. My wife also received a $862.00 quarterly bonus ($490.91 net) from her old company.

What did not work:

We saved a total of $820.00, but had to pull $1,279 for federal income taxes and $745 for state income taxes. We had been saving up for our tax bill, so this withdrawal was not unexpected. It did, however, reduce our savings balance. We had a $215.36 medical bill for my wife come due. We also purchased a Nintendo Wii video game console and accessories for $344.77. What’s life without a little splurging along the way?

Next month:

April should be another good month for saving money, both in our savings account and retirement accounts. I have a large gym membership bill coming due (15 months prepaid) and we may have another medical bill of ~$285 for my wife.

February 2009 Net Worth Update (-$2,630.57)

February saw a decline in our net worth. It was reduced $2,630.57 from last month to $39,383.12 (click on spreadsheet below).

What worked:
Our prayers were answered and my wife found a new job that pays her more than her old job and has better benefits.

What did not work:
My employer implemented a company wide salary reduction resulting in a 10% salary cut for me on 2/25. Initially, I was expecting a 20-25% reduction in pay, so the 10% reduction is much more bearable. We also contributed $657.47 total to our retirement accounts (401k and Roth IRAs), but still saw our total balance decrease by $2,709.87.

Next month:
Next month should be a mixed bag. My wife will have her first full month of employment at her new job that includes a great salary and benefits and a final bonus check from old company. On the other hand, it will also be my first full month of my reduced salary. We will also have ~$2,000 in Federal and State taxes to pay and ~$800 in medical bills that may come due.

January 2009 Net Worth Update (-$70.00)

January was a somewhat neutral month for us. Our net worth was reduced $70.00 from last month to $42,013.69 (click on spreadsheet below).

What worked:
We contributed $771.00 total to our retirement accounts (401k and Roth IRAs), although they only increased over last month by $385.61. We also deposited $900 in our savings account.

What did not work:
We pulled $1,169.14 out of savings for our 2nd property tax payment (this was a planned expense). We also pulled $1,484 out of savings to purchase 106 shares of BANK OF AMERICA CORPORATION stock for $14/share. Unfortunately, the stock is currently selling at ~$7/share.

Next month:
February should be a tough month. My company will be implementing a 20-25% reduction in pay that will hit my 2nd paycheck in February. If our business continues on its current trend, there may be layoffs in March. So, we’ll likely not invest much, forcing us to fall a bit further behind pace to hit our net worth goal for 2009. Let’s keep praying things get better.