I was inspired by a number of recent posts on various blogs about selling extra “stuff” on craigslist. J. Money at Budgets Are Sexy turned a few interesting items into cash this month including Shakespeare books and a sword. Yes, a real sword!
We have TONS of things that we no longer use (baby stuff), barely use (wireless keyboard), or have never use (huge vase). So, I took a few nice photos, wrote some compelling ads, and posted 10+ items on craigslist.
Guess what I heard. Crickets. Very quiet crickets. I reposted the ads this morning and…even more crickets.
I know what you’re thinking, “he overpriced the items”. Heck yeah I overpriced the items! Lol! Most of the people that I have sold to on craigslist offer a lower price and being the sucker that I am, I accept. So, I’ve learned to price my items a bit high. Guess I’m getting what I deserve. Next time I repost, I plan to include a note explaining that the prices have been reduced. This technique generally works on me at the mall, so I’ll give it a try.
What’s your craigslist strategy? Do you start with a high price like me? Do you go with a low price to sell quickly? Or, maybe some other technique that helps turn your trash (nice trash) into someone’s treasure. Help me!