We just passed our net worth milestones of $1,660,000 to $1,670,000! Our net worth is currently $1,671,223. We passed our last net worth milestone of $1,650,000 a few days ago. We hope to reach our next milestone of $1,680,000 later this month.

One thought on “NET WORTH MILESTONES: $1,660K – $1,670K”

  1. The assumption is that upon retirement, you have your house paid off. The full value of the house will then be part of your net worth. Or you can capitalized value of all rents you would pay if you did not own. A net worth by age calculation must include real estate. Everybody needs to get neutral real estate by owning their primary residence. When you ask, What Should My Net Worth Be At Age 30, 40, 50, 60, you must include real estate as part of your net worth growth. Real estate provides a double benefit of providing higher rental income and higher property values over time.

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