March 2013 Net Worth Update (+1,529.02)

Another good net worth increase month considering my wife is unemployed.  Our net worth increased $1,529.02 from last month, to a total of $221,209.12 (click on spreadsheet below).

What Worked

We contributed a total of $818.88 to our retirement accounts and saw them increase $2,403.48 to $87,894.11 total.  Thanks to using to book my business travel, we’re slowly increasing my son’s college savings.  In late breaking news, my wife has just accepted a new job paying $83,000 a year with great benefits, such as a company car.

What Didn’t Work
We had to pay $226 in Federal income taxes and $1,121 in State income taxes.  As a result, we had to dip into savings a bit.

Next Month
My wife begins a new job April 8th!!!  We have a number of bills coming due in April, so it will be a tight month. 

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