What A Difference A Couple Of Years Make

Over the weekend, I was looking at an old copy of our financial spreadsheet from 2 years ago. It brought me back to a time of financial struggle and uncertainty.

At the time, we were renting an apartment, in a lot of debt (my fault), and had little in the way of assets. Comparing the numbers from 2005 with 2007 reminds me how greatly we have been blessed. Here is a brief breakdown of where we were financially in August 2005 and were we are today:

August 2005

Liquid Assets
$5,157.00 401(k)
$1,547.00 Cash & Savings Accts
$759.00 Taxable accounts
$7,454.00 Total

Credit Card Debt
$10,630.56 (9.99%- 15.49% interest rate)

Net Pay Every 2 Weeks
$1,390.00 (Husband)
$1,180.00 (Wife)
$2,570.00 Total

August 2007

Liquid Assets
$12,805.68 401(k)
$3,326.97 Cash & Savings Accts
$6,278.41 Roth IRA’s
$838.79 Taxable accounts
$23,249.85 Total

Credit Card Debt
$1,249.49 (0% interest rate)

Net Pay Every 2 Weeks
$1,880.70 (Husband)
$1,200.00 plus bonuses and commissions (Wife)
$3,080.70 Total plus Wife’s bonuses and commissions