May 2014 Net Worth Update (+6,563.66)

In May, our net worth increased $6,563.66 to a total of $281,796.60 (click on spreadsheet below).
What Worked
Our second child was born this month!  She is a happy and healthy little girl.  We feel so blessed!  In addition to popping out a baby, my wife received a $13,140.00 gross ($7,080.03 net) quarterly bonus!  We contribution at total of $1,016.16 to our retirement accounts and saw them increase $3,813.59.  We also contributed $150 to our son’s 529 Plan and bolstered our savings a bit.

What Didn’t Work
Our taxable brokerage accounts dipped down a bit.

Next Month
My wife will be on disability for 3 months to spend time with our baby.  Disability pays ~$1,075/week, so we will need to reduce our expenses.