August 2008 Net Worth Update (+$3,434.28)

August was another good month for our net worth. It increased $3,434.28 from last month to a new total of $42,207.72.

What worked:
I received my annual company profit sharing this month to the tune of $730.72, my wife received an “extra” third paycheck, my wife’s 6% 401(k) contribution (with a 25% match) began this month and we contributed a total of $400 to our Roth IRAs.

What did not work:
We still have not been able to sell my truck, but otherwise, no complaints.

Next month:
September should be a pretty straight forward month. We have not large expenses forecast or any extra money coming in. Actually, I take that back. There is a chance that my wife may receive her first quarterly bonus from her company, but it will likely be a fraction of what she can hope to receive after she has been in the field awhile.